Friday, December 16, 2016

SG Hospital Bill almost P700,000 for 3days Stay

A client of mine for years, a Filipina Professional worker in Singapore has been hospitalised for 3days last July 2016. The bill amounted to $20,000++ or almost P700,000 in peso. Such amount can be used to buy a house or a big lot in the Philippines.
Thankfully, the bill has been covered and paid by her personal insurance.

Bill picture is the original copy of interim receipt. 
Bear with me and pls imagine this to yourself. As a professional foreign worker paying that same amount of money probably smaller maybe bigger because you got hospitalised due to an illness or accident. How would you feel? -Probably scared.
Well, Im not scaring you. Nobody wants to be hospitalised. Im just opening your mind to see further how can it impact you. You and I are vulnerable to accident and illness. Such as simple chest pain might be a serious illness later, etc...
Imagine how devastating it can be to your dreams and for your family. All your life savings can be gone in a snap. Your proud financial achievements working abroad such as Condos, House & Lot, Business and more, especially your finances will be negatively affected.

You did not come to foreign land to pay bills.. You left your comfort zone to generate wealth and make life beautiful for yourself and family.

I am a Financial Services Consultant of AIA Singapore. 
I'm writing another blog to open more eyes that insurance is a major player in your finances rich or poor. It is a great tool to protect all your hard earned wealth at a low cost. You do not need to die to get the benefit. If illness happens, you get protected. If nothing happens, you get back your money a little lower or probably way bigger depending to the time of withdrawal.
You do not need big amount of money to protect yourself against uncertainties. It can be tailored to your own financial status.

There are 5 insurance benefits that I can provide you:
(1) Death -this is greatly used for estate taxes and family support for breadwinners
(2) Disability -this will provide you financial support should you become disabled from accidents or illness
(3) Early Stage of Illness -this provides lump sum money to pay for your obligations should you get critically ill even on early stage
(4) Hospitalisation -pays your hospital bills both in Singapore and Philippines
(5) Accidental Benefit- this pays your outpatient and clinical treatment due to injuries

It can be blended together with Savings or investment to make it more suitable to you.

I can be contacted thru my mobile number & email.
Mobile No. +6584285361

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